Justice Erased Published on www.erasures.net

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Title: Wife's Statement

Artist: Martha Deed


Medium: Electronic Animated

Artist Statement: Wife's Statement is one of three erasures submitted here to show what happens when truth is erased as the murder confession is processed through the criminal justice system. John's Statement and Justice Erased complete the cycle.

Martha L. Deed is a poet (SHAMPOO, The Awakenings Review, Miller's Pond Online - forthcoming), writer and psychologist.

Millie Niss, who collaborated with Deed on the design and execution of this project, is a web artist with numerous online credits(Attic, Bannerarts, Word Circuits, Rhizome/Hyperrhiz) and poet (The Buffalo News, Beehive, MAG). A member of Webartery, she has created her own website: www.sporkworld.org.

Artist Tools: Original Text is page 6 of Annette Montstream's signed police statement. Here she describes her role in causing her husband's death. The erasure represents the wife's attitude as she testified in three trials about her confession. The overlays are designed to illustrate the crime. I collaborated with the Montstream family on this piece and used Photoshop, Fireworks MX, Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX to create the piece.

Date Entered: 2/28/2003 7:22:48 PM

Text Version: Statement I have the right to do anything I want. Anything I say will be given to me. I have been wanting John dead. I knew where he was. I am sorry. This truth is a crime. The facts are true I have been told that swearing can make me guilty

John's Statement Justice Erased